..:: life's a B e A c H ! step lightly into the realm of the unknown. ::..
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Quezon - my paradise...ehem...thanks glenny for this pic.
you have got to download this!
i downloaded
YM Beta Version today and it's sooo much different -- look and feel wise than the other YM versions! it has some kind of an msn messenger-y touch to it. only so much better. i've been listening to music all day. get it yourself and try it out. :)
my favorite song from 50 First Dates
wouldn't it be nice
- beachboys -
Wouldn't it be nice if we were older
Then we wouldn't have to wait so long
And wouldn't it be nice to live together
In the kind of world where we belong
You know its gonna make it that much better
When we can say goodnight and stay together
Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up
In the morning when the day is new
And after having spent the day together
Hold each other close the whole night through
Happy times together we've been spending
I wish that every kiss was neverending
Wouldn't it be nice
Maybe if we think and wish and hope and pray it might come true
Baby then there wouldn't be a single thing we couldn't do
We could be married
And then we'd be happy
Wouldn't it be nice
You know it seems the more we talk about it
It only makes it worse to live without it
But lets talk about it
Wouldn't it be nice
fun in the sun, the sand and the sea.
i can never explain the feeling the beach gives to me...what i know is that even if the weekend left me tired, seriously deprived of sleep and nearly paralyzed monday morning due to the full body abuse we got from the banana boat ride...i still felt fulfilled...contented...happy. :)
here are snapshots of the wonderful time i had there:
clockwise: teamplayers. winners and losers together; next, team spirit, that's all of us prepped up for the tug of war. hehehe; next one shows our team pulling the rope for the life of us but losing still. too bad we can't zoom in on glenn's face (last person holding the rope, wearing a blue shirt). teehee; last one is a closer view of the castle across the sea which you can see on the 2nd pic.
i will never understand how von does it...they call it
beer bong. throughout the night, he managed to down at LEAST 10 bottles of beer -- each in 2 secs. isn't that just incredible?
mom: anak...ano ba yang upo na binili mo, ang liit naman.
me: ma, mangga po yan
mom: ha??? bat ang laki naman???
heeheehee. them slipper mangoes are really deceiving fruits.
this pic of kim totally cracked me up. ain't he just sooo ravishingly sexy? hehehe. (note: posted with his consent. hehe) next pic shows the flower gels. that's kharla, me and jen. i look so small between kharla's 5'4" frame and jen's 5'5". teehee. ok. m 5'2". who cares?
lastly...did i ever mention that i love sunsets as well? here are shots of the sunset in subic. it's so pretty. they call the shot of me and jen the
Lesbian Lovers eeekk! hehe. but it's still my favorite. heck, it's my desktop wallpaper! hihihi.
special thanks to glenny and kharla for sharing their pics...hopefully, very soon, i'll have my own digicam to play with. :)
in less than 12 hrs...
i'll be playing volleyball here:
and splashing around here:
yay! my first beach of the summer! m so excited!
Subic, here i come!
philippines' own brand of engrish.
i guess this is how master yoda would say it...hehe.
April 17.
okay...it was friday and everything was set. We were to wake each other up at 3AM, meet in Ortigas at 4AM and then head to Subic for a day of sight seeing and searching for a nice place for our project teambuilding. jen, chawie and i decided to spend friday night in van's condo, so we won't have to wake up so early and travel to ortigas while all of the world is still asleep.
7PM. ruth asks if we can leave for home already. we can't. still finishing some stuff up. we agree that she and van would go ahead and the rest of us hardworking individuals will just follow.
8PM. chawie still has to go to dinner with a friend. friend is still stuck with work.
8:30PM. chawie's friend finally manages to get off work. and so they go to greenbelt to stuff themselves with plates of pasta and pasta and pasta.
9PM. jen and i realize we haven't eaten dinner yet. we hurriedly dial Wendy's hoping they'll give us mercy and still deliver our forgotten dinner.
9:30PM. Wendy's delivery guy arrives bearing sumptious gifts. hehehe. bacon mushroom melt for me and jen and an extra spaghetti for me (i'm a growing girl, alright.)
10:30PM. m halfway through my bacon mushroom melt when chawie comes barging in demanding we go home. pronto. jen still can't go. so we wait some more.
11:00 ...
11:15. alas! jen is done! we dial all taxi company numbers stored in our celphones to no avail. for some reason we keep getting a busy signal. everyone must have decided to finally go home at this ungodly hour on a friday night, and call the same taxi companies we're trying to call. fine.
11:30. we're on our way home finally. tired and excited for our subic trip.
12AM. chawie opens van's door without even knocking. hihi. ruth and van are sprawled on the floor solving ruth's 2,000-piece monster jigsaw puzzle.
12:10AM. chawie, jen and i sprawl ourselves horizontally on van's bed looking helplessly at the puzzle while trying to coax each other to be the first to take a shower and change for bed.
12:30AM. chawie opens her gift -- Wedding Singer VCD and another one which i'd rather not mention. hehe.
1AM. we decide to watch Wedding Singer since chawie and i haven't watched it yet.
1:15AM. chawie falls asleep.
1:45AM. jen falls asleep.
2AM. van falls asleep.
2:15AM. ruth falls asleep.
2:40AM. movie is done. i get up, turn off the player, the tv and the lights. and tries to go to sleep.
3:30AM. chawie does everything annoying to wake us up. hehehe. we wake the others up via celphone brigade and then take turns taking a bath.
5AM. pal and ella are already waiting outside. out comes chawie and jen. then me. then ruth and van -- carrying a bag, a jacket, and a fluffy pillow. hehe.
and then the start of our 5 hr and half trip to Subic. man...traffic in pampanga was BAADDD!

me, von, ruth and JT on our first stopover in KFC Petron...or was it Shell? or Caltex? hmmm...
this is us bored out of our minds while traversing that loooonnnggg stretch of a two-lane road they pathetically call a highway somewhere in pampanga. (jen in black, chawie in maroon, ruth in orange, pal beside her boyfriend Richard (not seen) who's driving, ella in the passenger seat, JT wearing a cap and von -- the not-so-wholesome one at the back. hehe.)
and of course. the only one who really enjoyed the traffic -- van. haha. (who, by the way didn't mind that we were noisily taking pictures of her blissful sleep)
we were totally totally famished come lunch time and we chanced upon this empty, airconditioned place by the roadside. one picture was taken before the orders came in, and the other one taken after we've been fed and watered and satisfied with the yummy meals. now...let's see if you can spot the difference. hehehe.
SALVATORE serves the best marinara pasta! too bad they don't have a branch in manila. :(
i still have some more left over pictures but i'll just post them next time. :) i totally totally enjoyed our subic trip -- the traffic and the sweltering heat notwithstanding. it was the first time i ever felt in my heart that m happy being single. and m glad m doing the things m doing right now. and m excited about all the things i can do in the future. and m blessed i have friends who've done more than offer their shoulders and lend me their ears. :) thank you. thank you. i had a smashing time with you guys last saturday.
stay away from me!
jinx n. (jingks)
1. A person or thing that is believed to bring bad luck to those around him.
2. A condition or period of bad luck that appears to have been caused by a specific person or thing.
m starting to believe i really have become a jinx...eversince the breakup of my own relationship, i've seen 3 breakups/near-breakup of people closest to me in a span of 2 months. it's scary. and it makes me sad that these people are now feeling the pain i felt when my own fairy tale came to an end. i know there's nothing i can do except to be there but still...i keep on wishing there's something i can do to ease their pain.
to G...i know you think m on the other side of the fence...but m here. m willing to understand.
to V...hang in there. i know you're stronger than me. but just like you said,
choose the path well and wisely. only you know what can me you happy. :)
to J...you know we hate to see your tears. learn to embrace the simple pleasures of single blessedness. sabi nga sa Friends,
you deserve a guy who knows what he has when he has you... he'll come and find you soon enough. be patient.
shucks. ang drama. sigh...m sad. :(
tick. tock. tick. tock.
can i just say m super harrassed? :(
but lulu is such an angel. she bought me choco fudge sundae from jollibee. yum! :)
m blessed.
i have a 5'11'' strong, muscle-y, super macho, totally awesome, incredibly gorgeous big BOO who will kick anyone's as* if they mess with me.
aww...ain't that sweet? he. he. he. bless his good heart. :)
m so absolutely lazy today...
i've been here for nearly 8 hrs and i haven't accomplished anything substantial...yet.
why m i not in the mood to work? sniff.
maybe it's the yakult. m on my third bottle today...yesterday i consumed all 5 bottles in the pack. and today, liza pointed out that it had
8 billion live lactobacilli shirota strain
per bottle. sooo...that would be...40 billion live lactobacilli yesterday...add 24 billion today...
64 billion live lactobacilli squirming in my intestines right now. ewww...
yeah...must be the yakult. tsk. tsk.
but...but...don't you just love yakult? :(
been browsing Friendster bulletin boards. out of sheer boredom and sleepiness i'll try answering one of the questionnaires just this once. here goes...
NAME: ayma
BIRTHDAY: 1981 july 02
AGE: 22
STAR SIGN: cancer
EYE COLOR: dark brown
HEIGHT: 5'2"
WEIGHT: 41.5 kg.
CAN YOU ROLL YOUR TONGUE: nope. how do you do that?
CAN YOU BLOW SPIT BUBBLES: nope. but my nephew can! :)
PIERCING AND WHERE: ears lang po
WOULD YOU RATHER BE ON TIME AND LOOK OK OR LATE AND LOOK GREAT: first one. even if m late, i never look great. teehee.
DO YOU PAINT YOUR NAILS: yeah. french tips
DO YOU SWEAR: sometimes. not so much.
DO YOU MUMBLE TO YOURSELF: nguynguy! haha. nope. rhea aquino does though. :)
DO YOU SPIT IN PUBLIC: ack! hell no.
CAN YOU SURVIVE WITHOUT A CD PLAYER: yes. but not without my celphone.
WHAT COLOR IS YOUR BEDROOM: purple. with gold sun, blue moon and silver stars on the walls. all spray painted by me and my best friend.
NAME ONE THING YOU'RE OBSESSED WITH: anything bath and body cucumber melon, ice monster's kiwi ice
DO YOU SNORE: nope. m a light sleeper. i'd wake myself up if i do.
DO YOU SLEEP WITH A STUFFED ANIMAL: nope. there's no more place in my bed what with the 6 pillows and all. teehee.
WHERE DO YOU HANG OUT?: my room. my brothers' room to watch movies. if not, van's apartment and then eastwood
WHO DO YOU HANG OUT WITH?: lately, ruth and van. chawie and jen.
WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO EAT WHEN HANGING OUT WITH YOUR FRIENDS: van's apartment - anything junk food. hehe.
reminiscing quezon...
quezon trip was postponed indefinitely. it's such a bummer because i've been looking forward to it for as long as forever because the last time i spent there was the best time i ever had in my life. :)
thanks to glenny for all the beautiful pictures taken with his precious digicam. hehe.
there was a drizzle that day and that's me drawing the sun so the rain would go away. we always used to do that when we were kids. i'm not much of an artist but i swear, my smiling sun worked. :)

BopIt is the invention of a genius. leftmost picture shows 8 hands trying all kinds of tactic and strategy to beat khatz's 100+ top score. i don't think we ever got a higher score than 25. hehe. the cute little ones at the center are the ugly ducklings i grew fond of chasing around to get a picture of in my cel. good thing glenny got a better shot with this one. last one shows van, jen and chawie. it reminds me of Batibot's song:
alin, alin, alin ang naiba. haha.
this is us splashing around. my puny arms didn't take the abuse too well. they refused to cooperate with me the following day. teehee.
and this one...i'll simply call The Beach. this is the view you'll get when you look out the balcony of the house. it was such a pretty sight especially in the morning.
ignorance is bliss...
friends have been constantly telling me how strong i am...how i've been handling things
pretty well. but how well is
pretty well really? does the fact that i've stopped seeking answers to my questions matter? does the fact that i
chose not to know any truth thay may or may not hurt me matter?
does facing adversity with your eyes closed account for being brave/courageous? is ignorance really bliss or just plain nothingness?
hmmm...in the course of my umm...journey to singlehood, here are small things i've discovered that can make a person happy.
(1) get in touch with old friends which include, but are not limited to, elementary friends, highschool friends, college friends and online friends.
(2) greet the security guard in the door with a heartfelt good morning/good afternoon/good night
(3) remember a friend's favorite food and buy it for her/him
(4) take time to get to know someone you've known for a while but haven't had the chance to
(5) smile a lot. laugh a lot.