..:: life's a B e A c H ! step lightly into the realm of the unknown. ::..
Quezon - my paradise...ehem...thanks glenny for this pic.
reminiscing quezon...
quezon trip was postponed indefinitely. it's such a bummer because i've been looking forward to it for as long as forever because the last time i spent there was the best time i ever had in my life. :)
thanks to glenny for all the beautiful pictures taken with his precious digicam. hehe.
there was a drizzle that day and that's me drawing the sun so the rain would go away. we always used to do that when we were kids. i'm not much of an artist but i swear, my smiling sun worked. :)

BopIt is the invention of a genius. leftmost picture shows 8 hands trying all kinds of tactic and strategy to beat khatz's 100+ top score. i don't think we ever got a higher score than 25. hehe. the cute little ones at the center are the ugly ducklings i grew fond of chasing around to get a picture of in my cel. good thing glenny got a better shot with this one. last one shows van, jen and chawie. it reminds me of Batibot's song:
alin, alin, alin ang naiba. haha.
this is us splashing around. my puny arms didn't take the abuse too well. they refused to cooperate with me the following day. teehee.
and this one...i'll simply call The Beach. this is the view you'll get when you look out the balcony of the house. it was such a pretty sight especially in the morning.