..:: life's a B e A c H ! step lightly into the realm of the unknown. ::..
Quezon - my paradise...ehem...thanks glenny for this pic.
another two days in paradise...
in a few hours...3 hrs to be exact, anton, cas, nick, glenn, marlette, ruth, van, JT, gem and i will be on our way to Pagbilao, Quezon.
looking at the photo above never fails to bring back memories of the glorious 2 days we spent there. imagine fresh air, white sand, crystal clear water and the whole stretch of the beach - all yours. no strangers around. you can do anything and everything and enjoy it's tranquility from sunrise til sunset til dawn.
we've been begging anton (their family owns the place) to take us there since he got back from Germany. this trip has been postponed 3 times since then. and right now, am just about ready to burst with excitement.
i can't believe am actually going to wake up tomorrow with this beautiful sight outside the window.

sigh. i absolutely love the beach. did i say that already? :)