..:: life's a B e A c H ! step lightly into the realm of the unknown. ::..
Quezon - my paradise...ehem...thanks glenny for this pic.
Just Because...
it's amazing when, bloghopping from one site to another, you read entries from persons you never knew existed, that express the exact same sorrow that you're feeling. Thanks to
Chel (nope, i don't know her and she doesn't know me, but i regularly visit her blog. hehe) for allowing me to lift stuff from her site. it's weird because when i read a part of her archive, i felt like my own story was deja vu in the making. :)
i got this really inspiring poem from her. she posted it in PEx a long time ago.
Just Because
Just because no one has been fortunate enough to
realize what a gold mine you are, doesn't mean you
shine any less.
Just because no one has been smart enough to figure
out that you can't be topped, doesn't stop you from
being the best.
Just because no one has come along to share your life,
doesn't mean that day isn't coming.
Just because no one has made this race worthwhile,
doesn't give you permission to stop running.
Just because no one has realized how much of a woman
you are, doesn't mean they can effect your femininity.
Just because no one has come to take the loneliness
away, doesn't mean you have to settle for a lower
Just because no one has shown up who can love you on
your level, doesn't mean you have to sink to theirs.
Just because you deserve the very best there is,
doesn't mean that life is always fair.
Just because God is still preparing your king, doesn't
mean that you're not already a queen.
Just because your situation doesn't seem to be
progressing right now, doesn't mean you need to change
a thing.
Keep shining,
Keep running,
Keep hoping,
Keep praying,
i'll keep the faith...
i distinctly remember
sis mec wrote a poem with the same title. i'll look for it. :)